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Department of Theatre and Dance

  • Examples of new theatre seats

Save the Seats Fundraising Campaign

Help give Longstreet and Drayton Hall Theatres their much-deserved second acts by donating to our campaign to purchase new seating!

A need we can no longer sit on

Our two largest venues, Longstreet and Drayton Hall Theatres, last had renovations over a generation ago.  (Longstreet was remodeled in 1976. Drayton Hall was renovated in 1989.)  To make matters worse, when Drayton Hall was restored, its original seating from the 1930s was retained, with only the upholstery replaced.  Now, after hundreds of productions, and after cushioning many thousands of patrons, the seats in those theatres are begging for a break!

Our department has committed to giving these theatres their much-deserved second act by purchasing newer, more comfortable seating, so that our students and patrons can continue to enjoy premiere theatre-going experiences for many more years. 

But, we need your help!

Your financial gift in any amount will help us achieve our goal, and make our dream of upgraded seating a reality!  Donate today by clicking on the link below.

Donate Today





Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
