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Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures

People in German


 Faculty | Affiliated Faculty | Instructors | Graduate Students

Lara Ducate, Professor of German and Linguistics
Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin
Applied linguistics, teacher training, computer-mediated communication
Kurt Goblirsch, Professor of German and Linguistics
Ph.D., University of Minnesota
Germanic linguistics (German, Scandinavian, English, Dutch, Frisian), historical phonology, dialectology, medieval literature (mythology, heroic poetry, Minnesang)
Yvonne Ivory, Associate Professor of German and Comparative Literature
Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles
German and British literature of the Fin de Siècle, the history of sexuality, Thomas Mann
Agnes Mueller, College of Arts & Sciences Distinguished Professor of the Humanities, Professor of German and Comparative Literature
Ph.D., Vanderbilt University
20th and 21st century German literature, gender studies, German-Jewish literature
Ursula Engelbrecht, M.A., University of South Carolina e-mail
Patrick Walsh, Ph.D., Columbia University e-mail
Graduate Students and Teaching Assistants
Maximilian Gindorf, Ph.D. student in Comparative Literature e-mail
Claudia Heinemann-Priest, Ph.D. student in Comparative Literature
Michael Highlander, Ph.D. student in Linguistics e-mail

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